terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010

~ Making A Choice ~

http://weheartit.com @

She didn't know what she was doing. That was the sad, but unquestionable truth. The very last sane thing she remembers of passing through her mind was Leonard blocking the front door with a fearful look in his eyes, like she've never seen before.

"Don't… Please, don't…", he begged her; his voice being muffled by the pain that was consuming him more and more, as the slowly seconds passed.

She, on the other hand, didn't get dissuaded. Virginia just continued walking forwards abruptly, with that inexpressible look of hers, however, so cold, bypassing the static body of her lover. She didn't say a word, while she was leaving. Not even a single sound. Like a ghost, she thought. Was that what she became? A mere tormented soul trapped in the world of living, where she would never belong? No one believes in ghosts. So, why would anyone believe her?

Now she was waiting for the train. Oh, she loved to travel by train. At least, she really enjoyed the last trip she'd done four years ago, to London, from that same station. The smell of winter; the bittersweet taste of the pouring rain; the agitation of the citizens who were walking around, looking for their right stop (…) She've always thought - since she departed from London - that that was her only right destiny. No matter what could happen in anywhere else, (…) London meant home. Meant Life.

"Passengers to London, the final train of the afternoon arrived."

She got up, picked her bag and walked closer to the edge. That was it. She could already feel the rush; the freedom! Was that life? If it was, she've really missed it.

"Virginia, wait!", coming out from the massive crowd, Leonard Walsh screamed. He've never been a person who used to scream, in whatever situation. But, like he said once, Virginia was his little big exception. "Are you just going to leave this like that?! Not even a single explanation? Don't you think I deserve it? After all these years we've been together!", he was panting a lot, thanks to the great journey he had made up 'till there, so his words were coming out harsh and slightly bitter.

"What am I leaving, Leonard? I've got nothing here. This place took everything away from me. Everything! I don't want to live like this… I can't bear another day here. Your presence is no longer enough for me to survive another day, because this place took that too. The only thing that keeps me from dying is the air I breathe, simply because it's everywhere... And what explanation could I give you, Leonard? Should I say I'm sorry? I cannot say that, my love. I would never lie to you…", she was looking at him, very deeply into his eyes.

There've always been something about his eyes, she thought to herself, as she smiled at him, putting her smooth hand around his left cheek. His skin was shaking in fear; he was biting his lower lip, in a way to contain not just the frustration, the anger and the disappointment, but also the feeling of powerlessness that, since who knows when, was filling his heart.

"What does it mean to regret when you have no choice?", she asked, always looking at him intently. "This is Death, Leonard. And I choose Life."

6 comentários:

  1. acredita que este é, provavelmente, o blog que mais gosto de ler

  2. tens um inglês excelente rapariga :o
    mas, estou a adorar isto, vou definitivamente seguir o blog para continuar a ler :)

  3. Olá outra vez, João :) E fico bastante feliz por isso. Acredita que o teu blogue é bastante impressionante e adoro lê-lo também!

    Olá, Vera! :D Oh, digamos que treino inglês desde pequenina, mas não é perfeito claro :) E muito, muito obrigada*

  4. está muito simples, o teu é lindo!
    e mesmo, parabéns pelo inglês, impressive. :D

  5. é mesmo ..
    E eu o teu qerida :)
    nao consigo comentar na outra postagem recente --'
    mas gosto muito :)
    e eu o teu <3
