quarta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2010

~ Just Another Night Of December ~

http://weheartit.com/entry/4624990 @

They were both next to the bonfire in silence, like in any other day. It was mid-December and the snow was falling down gracefully, as they could see through the window. Leonard was smoking his typical pipe and reading some old newspapers he had found in that same afternoon. He looked at Virginia, scribbling loudly in her notebook, just like in any other day. However, she was looking merely confused, he thought to himself. He didn't want to interrupt her, but yet he was curious. So typical of him.

"What's wrong?", he asked, nervously.

Virginia stared at him, very serious. In that minute, Leonard regretted of having called her. But then it was already too late - damage done, so what could he do? He wanted to know why was Virginia feeling frustrated in that night. That was absolutely untypical of her: she always knew what to write when she really wanted to. So, what was happening?

"Somebody needs to die...", she said, looking away at the picture of her sister, in London. "… In my novel", she explained herself after, while rubbing her temples smoothly.

Both got really quiet, emerged in a cold and deep silence, occasionally interrupted by the sound of children who were running around, across the street. Leonard was holding a challenging question on the tip of his tongue… But since he was on a day of taking risks, why not another one?

"Why? Why does someone need to die?", he asked, taking a sip of his blackberry whiskey, imported right from Italy, on a December night just like that one.

Virginia got up and walked to the window. She looked outside and stood, for a moment, just watching those little children playing around - throwing snowballs to the air, building up snowmen and drawing little angels on the ground. What a beautiful picture, she thought. It almost looked like Heaven, such simplicity of the moment. She found herself smiling and waving at them, but they were so distracted that they didn't even realize the poor old lady she now was. Finally, she looked at Leonard, always quiet and paying complete attention to her, like in any other day of the year.

"Someone needs to die so that others can learn to value life."

6 comentários:

  1. tinha mesmo que dizer-te isto.
    sou teu seguidor e vi um post teu no outro blog sobre o 'Mrs. Dalloway' e queria mesmo comentar! esse é o meu filme preferido. já o vi montes de vezes e identifico-me completamente com aquilo, nem se explicar.
    nunca pensei que houvesse alguém assim também :o
    a última frase deste teu post também já a pus num dos meus. acho que é das mais poderosas de todo o filme.
    tens muito bom gosto. e quero ver mais destes*
    beijinhos :)

  2. Uau, nunca me deparei com um rapaz que apreciasse "Mrs. Dalloway"! :o Eu adooooreeeeei o filme e identifico-me tanto tambem :) E sim, é mesmo uma frase que me marcou: tanto, tanto, tanto, que tive de a afixar aqui.

    Também tens imenso bom gosto e sim, vais ver mais destes, espero! ;)

    Beijinhos e Abraços,
    Daniela Rosa *

  3. eu nunca encontrei ninguém xD
    é perfeito mesmo. ao ler aquilo consigo ouvir a voz da nicole kidman que me arrepia imenso no filme !
    fico à espera então :b

  4. Sim, já que falas nisso… Nunca encontrei ninguém mesmo! Hahaha. Eu adoooorooo a Nicole Kidman :) Foi sem dúvida a pessoa perfeita para o papel de Virginia Wolf!

  5. italy, e não italia. mas tirando isso, wow daniela
